Paul Penrod a répondu à la question : Comment devenir un programmeur sur une mailing liste à laquelle est inscrit Richard K Miller. Richard K Miller affirme que beaucoup de ces possibilités peuvent être appliqué à d’autres professions.
Paul Penrod tire 17 points pour améliorer vos talents de programmeur :
- Understand the problem completely first.
- There is no perfect language for all problems, although C comes pretty close.
- YOUR perfect language(s) will be the one(s) that is(are) most compatible with YOUR thinking process.
- Keep It Simple Stupid * ALWAYS works.
- ALWAYS document completely what you did * you will thank yourself is six months time.
- Never turn down an opportunity to see what someone else did * they may have figured out a simpler, more effective way.
- Always be teachable.
- There is almost always a better way. Many solutions are at best, compromises.
- Learn what others did wrong and don’t repeat their mistakes.
- Don’t be offended easily.
- There are plenty of intelligent idiots, and few sages * learn to tell the difference and pay attention.
- Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
- Develop your own style. You are a unique individual, and you don’t think the same as anyone else.
- It’s an art form first, and technical second.
- Software is never “done”. It’s a work in progress.
- Have fun with it. If you aren’t enjoying the effort, it will show in the results.
- Share what you have learned with others. It pays dividends far beyond the code itself.